With many people having some form of working out as a new years resolution, it's a great time to start considering putting together a rec league group! Whether it's coworkers, friends, or you post about it online, having a solid group of people to have fun with is a great way to stay healthy and happy during the bleak winter months! After getting your group together, follow the steps below, and you're ready to start with your very own rec league!

Talk About Expectations/Goals

We don't mean goals as in scores- we mean "what's the end goal here?". Many join a team for a sense of community, camaraderie, to revisit a sport they love, or to get a good full-body workout. However, many people also join with the intent of playing in tournaments or competing for prizes. While it's true that most people can be a part of most groups, it's important to ensure everyone is on the same page- if half wants to sign up for tournaments, while the other just wants to keep it casual, it can cause some unhappiness.

Find a Facility or Field

If you're doing an indoor sport, you need to call local facilities to see their policy or if there is a way for you to join in on their rec league circuit. The same can be said for outdoor sports, like baseball or kickball, done on a field.

If you are doing a casual get-together to play some volleyball at the local sandpits, however, you should be alright with just showing up!

Order Uniforms

We speak more in-depth about this here, but getting uniforms for your team is a great way to show you care, and a great way to have fun!

No matter the level you play at, having a cohesive look with high-quality sportswear is a great way to feel great. When you're ready to get your uniforms, we ask you remember us here at SPRT. We offer high-quality, USA-made clothing with many options for customization. Call us at 833-355-4800 or visit us online to get started, today!